Studies show that buyers look at four main characteristics in a home. (The percentage is the percentage of buyers who rate that characteristic as their "most important." )- Location - 69%
- Curb Appeal - 12%
- "Homey" feel - 10%
- Size - 9%
So, if you are a seller, it's important to realize that 78% of what a buyer is looking for is out of your control. Obviously you cannot easily change the location or size of your home. You do, however, have complete control your home's interior appearance curb appeal. It is your job as a seller to make the best first impression possible.
What factors influence the buyer's first impression of your home's interior?
- Cleanliness, Clutter, Odors - 35%
- Decor - 21%
- Condition, Lighting - 16%
- Floor Plan - 15%
- Room Size - 13%
You can't easily change your home's floor plan or room size, but you do have control over 72% of the elements that most influence a buyer's impression of your home! If you want top dollar for your property, you simply cannot expect buyers to "see past" clutter, the lingering aroma of last night's dinner, or mountains of laundry.
The good news is that ALL of these things are easily and inexpensively remedied! Contact me for a free booklet on how to prepare your home for sale. Coldwell Banker even has a "Concierge" service with numerous resources to help with everything from carpet cleaning to moving company discounts.